I have a terrible confession to make. Last week I purchased a packed of Bernard Matthew’s Turkey drumsticks. They were £1. Worse still I cooked and ate them.
From time to time, I’m positive even the most ardent foodies eschew the vegetables, preferring to veg out themselves, and yes, I am no different.
My pre-Jamie Oliver school dinners used to consist of turkey drumsticks. It was the 90s and we had not yet graduated to twizzlers. Perhaps I will use this as the justification of buying them, yes, I wanted a bit of nostalgia for tea.
And perhaps the taste was nostalgic. They tasted like bitter chemicals. The taste I used to get in the changing rooms after netball when everyone had just fogged themselves with a can of Impulse Vanilla Kisses. It tasted like shame.
Lesson learnt. I’ll not reach for the drumsticks again, but is any guilty pleasure food acceptable? Do you have any guilty pleasure treats? Do share