Carbohydrates have had been given a bad rep over the last few years and I don't really know why. OK, I concede if you eat too much of them you'll probably get fat, but come on, this is surely the case with every food group.
It takes a strange person to cut carbs out. You become moody, get awful headaches and a terrible case of envy once the chips come out. The bunless-burger brigade would do well to remember that fruit is a huge source or carbohydrates and more importantly, chips taste good.
Seriously though, it's unhealthy to cut out one food group for a dieting whim, especially when that food group contains very healthy things, like fruit and some vegetables. Replacing it with meat and cheese doesn't really help your general well-being either.
Anyway, not a tip for slimmers, but here are my top three guilty carb pleasures:
Potato duphinoise – carbs + cream = dying happily of a heart attack.
Macaroni cheese – there's so much you can do with this humble dish, but on it's own the carb/cheese combo is an unbeatable treat.
Roast potatoes – surely no one can resist a roast tattie come Sunday? There's been great debate on how to get the best results, but it doesn’t really matter. I don't think I've ever had a bad roast potato, even the rubbish ones tasted nice.
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