I’m the fattest I’ve ever been, I’m also the happiest I’ve ever been, but I don’t think that’s related.
I never quite got why women wanted to be skinny and I certainly will never understand how it’s turned into a multi-billion pound global business.
Health reasons aside – I’m not advocating obesity here – a few extra pounds here and there never really hurt anyone (unless they were being sat on at the time, but more about my sexual exploits later). But skinniness seems to have found itself wrapped up as a measure of success.

Lily Allen (left) was just a rich kid who made it cos of her dad and an annoying song until she went from a “curvy size 12” (my current dress size) to a “svelt size 8” – now she’s a front-row fashionista, an authority on all things coture, beautiful and witty instead of fat and brash. But here’s some news, she’s doesn’t look better because she’s lost two stone, she looks better because she’s ditched the awful trainer and prom-dress combo and now wears heels by Christian Louboutin and dresses by Chanel – who wouldn’t look better if they swapped New Look for Largerfeld?

And there’s Natalie Cassidy (right) who after going from her before (and my current) weight has transformed into a proper celebrity – one that gets papped at award shows and magazine deals to talk about her “amazing new figure.” Has the weight loss made her more interesting? Well, yes if you count her now-prominent and ridiculous boob job as a talking point.
Occasionally I find myself being sucked in by the promise of being able to lose a stone I a week, but then I look closer and realise it involves drinking lemon juice and cayenne pepper and I’m not so convinced.
Why is everyone so obsessed with being skinny anyway? Starving yourself won’t make you feel better. I’ll challenge any woman to find a size-4 dress that will make her feel better
than my favourite comfort food.
Sara Cox, of all people, once said something very wise: “Girls, if you starve yourself your bones will snap, your ovaries will shrivel and die and boys like tits.”
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